Finding your soul mate can seem impossible, but journal prompts can help you discover what love means to you, and ultimately help you find the love you deserve.

How Journal Prompts Can Help You Find The Love You Deserve

The dating game can be a thrilling and exciting experience, but it can also be exhausting. If you’ve been dating for a while and haven’t met your soul mate, it can be really disheartening. If your quest to find love is leaving you drained and lacking in self-belief, journal prompts can help you work through your innermost feelings, get to know yourself better, and clear out the negativity that’s getting in your way to make room for the love you’re meant to have.

What is Journaling?

Before we get into how journal prompts can help you, let’s explore what journaling is. Simply put, journaling is writing down your thoughts and feelings, which can help you understand them more clearly. Getting things out of your head and onto paper can be very therapeutic and help ease feelings of stress and anxiety. These feelings can surface when it comes to finding love and dating, so journaling is a really good way to help you process these.

What Are Journal Prompts?

If you’re just getting started with journaling, it can be hard to know where to begin. That’s where journal prompts can help. Journal prompts are questions or statements for you to consider and write about. When it comes to dating and finding love, a few examples of journal prompts could be:

  • What five personality traits do I value most in potential partners?
  • What are the three most important things I’ve learnt from my last relationship?
  • What boundaries could I set in my next relationship to protect my well-being?

Journal prompts are all about self-reflection and self-discovery – they help you focus your thoughts and discover what love means to you and what you want and need from potential partners, and ultimately, help you find love. 

How Can Journal Prompts Help Me? 

Journal prompts can make you think about what you want in life and what your priorities are. This will ultimately help you in your quest to find love because if you meet someone who doesn’t share your beliefs and priorities, you’ll know they aren’t for you. Knowing what you don’t want from a soul mate is just as important as what you do want. 

As well as allowing you to take control of your feelings and emotions, you may find journal prompts lead you to think back to a date which didn’t go well or a relationship that didn’t work out. You may even find yourself asking why you can’t seem to find love. Although these thoughts can be painful to process, journal prompts that address challenging emotions to allow you to explore these in a productive way. This, in turn, can help you heal and move on. 

Ready to find love?

Nicole Moore is a life coach who has helped countless women find their soul mates through her Love Works Method. Above all, she believes everyone deserves to find love.

Sign up to Nicole’s free journal prompts to help you find your soul mate this year!