I really regret not taking you up on your offer for love coaching,
my friend J said to me. 

I had to go through the pain of losing Tom, a really great guy,
before I finally realized that I need to work on what’s keeping me single,
and not able to create a lasting relationship. 

He dumped me and I’m so sad. 

And now, I’m ready to change.
Will you please let me into Get And Keep Your Man??

Can you relate?

Why is it that as women, we so often have to wait until we are completely shattered,
desperate, and on our knees
before we ask for help?

Why does it have to get SO bad before we are willing
to give up our way of doing things
and try another way?

Why do we wait for outside circumstances, aka massive pain,
to FORCE us into choosing, what we know, deep down in our hearts,
is the right step for us?

(maybe you’re there right now? Maybe we’ve talked on the phone already,
or you’ve been watching my webinars and you KNOW you want to work with me,
but you’ve been coming up with excuses to stay stuck, and single)

As women, we’ve been trained to believe that
we should somehow be able to handle everything on our own,
including our love lives. 

We carry shame in asking for help,
because we think that if we do, it means there’s something wrong with us.

So, we look at our love lives and think
“why can’t I make this work when everyone else can?”
“I should be able to just find a relationship, right??”

Here’s the truth:
If your love life is hard for you,
it’s because no one ever taught you HOW to do romantic love properly

  • you weren’t taught HOW to love yourself (especially if your parents didn’t show love to you)
  • you weren’t taught HOW to be powerful in your love life and not let your inner little girl run the show
  • you weren’t taught HOW to be the prize when dating, and get men to court you versus obsessing and controlling 
  • you weren’t taught HOW to manifest in the right kind of men 
  • you weren’t taught HOW to create lasting love with a guy by using feminine communication, and your feminine powers to get him to commit to you and do whatever you want

So, if you weren’t taught HOW
to do romantic love right, maybe you can let yourself off the hook right now,
for what hasn’t worked so far in your love life.

It’s not your fault that you didn’t learn HOW
but, if you want lasting love, IT IS your responsibility to ask for help now.

And, then CHOOSE to get the right support now, so you can actually learn HOW
to get the right man AND keep him.

Or….wait until you’re on your knees, like my friend J.

“I was really arrogant last year,” my friend J told me.
“I didn’t even know that I had stuff to work on in my love life because I’m already so evolved”

My friend finally, humbly got, that while she’s a rockstar in business,
and so many other areas of her life, 
she isn’t SKILLED yet in love.

She hasn’t ever taken the time to learn the RIGHT WAY to do love.

And. because of that, her results with men up until now have been

  • freaking out and obsessing about guys that aren’t really worth her time and then getting so hurt when they bail right after she’s gotten attached or they’ve slept together
  • getting into short relationships with men who aren’t really a fit and then being heartbroken when they leave and choose someone or something else 
  • feeling closed off to men who really are into her and finding reasons to push them away 

Sound familiar??

If you’re in a similar place as my friend J was, I implore you to get support

It honestly doesn’t even have to be me.

I just want you to finally have the love you deserve.

So, find a coach that you resonate with. 
Get into a program that will teach you HOW to do love the right way.

Let yourself be supported by someone who has already created Epic Love,
and who can show you the way and the right steps to take,
so you get there WAY faster than if you’re struggling on your own.

Love is too important to NOT get right.

And, you really don’t have to wait until you’re on your knees
to get support.

Smart women know that if you want to MASTER any area of your life,
including love, then the best thing to do is get a trained mentor to show you the way.


PS: I personally had to go through the first 21 years of my life feeling completely unloveable, losing a great guy that I thought I would marry, chasing unavailable men, dating losers, and being in a relationship with an emotionally abusive narcissist before I FINALLY truly dedicated myself to learning HOW to do romantic love the right way.

I’ve studied love every single day for the past 6 years, and have put in my 10,000 hours of Love Training to become a Love Expert.

I know the HOW of romantic love.  Truly and deeply.

And I LOVE teaching women just like you HOW to love, because I know that once you have that SKILL,
you can create Epic, off-the-charts love.
