I remember it so clearly.
I was sitting at my desk at my PR job, sandwiched in between two co-workers,
literally hating my life.

I felt trapped. 
I dreaded getting up each morning and going into an office to do work that I hated.

And I felt like it would take FOREVER to even make some real money.

I was making about $40,000 a year at the time
and the track to becoming a well paid PR professional was sloowww.

I wasn’t living my truth and somewhere deep down, I knew it.

THANK GOD I finally got the courage to quit working in an office in a job I hated 2 years after that (yes, I had to endure more suffering to finally say enough is enough).

I didn’t even know I was going to become a coach at the time.

I just quit my job because I was in hell. 
It felt like my soul was slowly being sucked out of me and for what??

To spend hours and hours every week doing work I hated
around people that frankly, I would never actually choose to associate with given the chance.
So, I quit.
And then, I searched.
I had decided to sign up for Life Coaching Certification at N.Y.U. because I thought it sounded cool.

And, then I experienced one of the biggest breakthroughs of my life thus far.

From the very first coaching class, I just knew….I’m MEANT to do this. 

I wasn’t good at it yet, and I had no clue how to actually build a successful coaching business.

But finally, I felt like I was on my TRUE PATH.

That’s why I’m so passionate now about helping women claim their true path as a Love Coach, becuase I know how much FREEDOM there is
when you start a coaching business, live your truth and then start making great money doing what you love.

I now make more monthly than I did in one entire year at the jobs I hated.
And, I’m FREE.

So, are you in career hell right now?

Are you…

  • stuck doing work you hate or that doesn’t light you up just to pay the bills? and, let’s be honest….that work that you hate probably doesn’t even pay you enough for you to truly live how you want, anyway.
  • already trying to build a coaching business but STUCK? Not getting clients. Not making the money you want. Not knowing what to do to market yourself effectively to even get a lot of clients in the first place
  • feeling trapped by having to work in an office all day OR working and working on your coaching business all day but even with that, you STILL feel like you’re failing?

Does this sound at all like you? 

If so, just know that I can help you solve the EXACT pain points in your business (or lack thereof) that are causing you to be stuck doing work you hate, or working and working on growing your coaching business but still not getting enough clients or getting ahead.

The first step? 
CLICK HERE so we can talk.
If you let me know where you’re currently at in your career/business whether it’s wanting to become a coach or already coaching but struggling,
I can very quickly and expertly identify the top 3 areas of growth for you
to stop being in career hell and start experiencing the time and money freedom you want.

There are 3 KEY AREAS 
that made me a big success in my coaching career,
and I want to share those with you and help you get started in the right direction.

It’s a f.ree 30 minute phone call.…do you have time for that next week?

I wish that the younger version of me who was in job hell
could have had the chance to talk to me now.

I would have told her that “there IS a path for you, my love,
and you are meant to SHINE….you’re just not on track yet.”

And if you signed up for the Six Figure Love Coach Video Series,
you might need to hear that too. 

There IS a path for you
to have your dream career
and the abundance that you desire.

You’re just not on track yet.

But, unlike the past version of me, who had to figure it out all on her own (and it was rough)…you’ve got me!

I know the EXACT steps to take to get you on track to 6 figures as a coach.

And. I’m happy to share them all with you.

CLICK HERE so we can chat now. 


