Is he into you or not?
If you’re asking that question then here’s what I know
You are confused

Because The problem is, it’s not so black and white

You aren’t sitting there wondering if the guy who never called you back is into you

You’re sitting there wondering if the guy you are kind of sort of seeing and have feelings for but he’s not your boyfriend is into you long term.

And you’re likely either getting mixed messages from a guy or because you don’t know how to interpret his signals

But, the truth is,
If a guy is not  into you, you do want to know quickly so you can stop dating him and find the right one

The first sign that he’s not into you long term:

He only sees you when it’s convenient for him!

Think about it, when you really like a guy don’t you sometimes stay up late on a work night even though you know you need your sleep and  you’re going to be really tired tomorrow
Or, make time for him even though you are busy

For the most part, if a man is into you and sees you as long term potential
He is going to make time for you even if it’s inconvenient for him
He’ll wake up early just to take you to the airport for instance
He’ll even sometimes change around plans to fit you in
If he’s only seeing you when it works for his schedule and his schedule seems to mysteriously be so busy all of the time except at 11pm on a Saturday night when he decides to text you

Hey…what’s up?
Then he’s not super into you and you do want to move on

I remember one time in college I was hooked on this guy who was a year older and he had graduated and was coming back to visit me…

And I had made up this story in my mind that he was coming to se me because I was special to him and of course my girlfriends who I lived with were all like “oooooh your boyfriend is coming to see you!”

Well, he arrived on a Friday afternoon and I’m sitting at home waiting for his text, looking and feeling like an idiot when he didn’t reach out to me until waaay later in the evening.

That’s when I realized–If he truly cared about me and didn’t just like me a bit or see me as a hookup, he would have come to see me first thing even if he had friend to hang out with

So, the bottom line is, if you don’t feel like his priority,  you’re probably not.

And you deserve to be with a man that sees you as his priority.

So, declare that you will ONLY attract in men from this point forward that sees you as the only option, not something for when it’s convenient!

Here’s the #2 way to tell that he’s not into you:

He refers to you as his friend when you are in public and intentionally does not a put a label on the relationship

So that same guy that I mentioned above, well, I really liked him, so one of the things I did was fly out to Washington to see him where he was living as a ski instructor even though I hate the cold and don’t know how to ski…

And we were out with his friends the first night and they asked him “So….are you two dating?”

And he froze. It was so awkward because I didn’t know what to say
And he kind-of just went “Oh  yeah…you know we’re kind of hangin’ out”

OUCH, right?

And I was so confused because when I was with him, he acted sweet and like he was into me

But clearly, he didn’t see me in his future long term

So, if you’ve been seeing a guy often or for a while and he’s still calling you his friend when he’s with others, he’s just not that into you.

Do not make the mistake that I did and so many women make of assuming that how you feel about him is how he feels about you!

Here’s the # 3 way to tell that he’s not into you:

He doesn’t show care or concern for your emotional wellbeing

That same guy that I mentioned, well, part of the time that I was seeing him, I had developed really disordered eating and I was obsessed with being skinny.  I was weighing myself multiple times a day and refused to eat any carbs, I was even scared of eating a tomato!

And he didn’t say anything!

Later, after we weren’t dating anymore he made a comment and said,
“Oh yeah, you weren’t happy when you were really, really skinny”

But he never said anything at the time which means he wasn’t emotionally invested enough to say something to me out of concern!

When a man is really into you, he does care about your emotional well being tremendously.

He makes it his personal mission to make you happy

So, if you feel like a guy is just on the surface with you…

If he isn’t showing he really care as about you and your life and especially, your emotions

Then he’s just not into you

Now coincidentally that guy that I was dating was named Mike

And, my amazing husband who is also named Mike, shows me that he cares for me every single day without fail.

How I went from that Mike who was so not into me-to my husband who literally feels like he was made for me-is by following a plan to meet my man.

And, I want to gift that plan to you.

Go to the link below to get access to my new video called:

How to find your dream man  in 6 months without dating around or wasting time on the wrong men

In the video I share the exact strategy that I and hundreds of my clients have used to find their dream man.


How to Get Your Dream Man in 6 Months or Less… Without Dating Around or Wasting Time on the Wrong Men