My parents never told me they loved me until I was
well into my 20s, so I grew up believing that I was unloveable
and that there must be something wrong with me.

As a child, I felt neglected and emotionally under-nourished,
and to cope with that, I told myself safety lied in being independent and alone.

I was extremely insecure and hated myself. 
Desperate for love, and yet I couldn’t even admit to myself how much I wanted it
because I was terrified of love at the same time.

My early experience in life had taught me that love wasn’t safe,
that the people I loved most
would just hurt me, and that the only way to protect myself
was to close my heart completely.

In short, I was sick.
Sick with the disease of thinking that I was somehow broken and unloveable.

Sick from living with a closed heart that was dying
from not letting love out or letting love in.

And it was hard. 
Because it’s very difficult to walk through the world afraid of love.

Love the the #1 need human beings have….it’s important.
If you don’t have love, you don’t really have anything

I got that. 
One day I finally realized that love isn’t the scariest thing out there.
NOT having love is. 

So, I embarked on a years-long journey to learn about love.

I worked on my self-love like it was a full-time job.

And, you know what?

Love healed me. 
The very thing I had most craved my whole life,
yet was terrified of at the same time,
was the thing that made me whole.

I let love in and filled myself up with self-love. 

And, because of that, I have an amazing man who completely
cherishes and adores me and treats me like a Goddess. 

And, it’s not scary….it’s absolutely wonderful.

Today, LOVE is literally my job.
I’ve coached hundreds of women to find love and I’ve
studied love every single day for the past 10 years.

So, believe me when I tell you this: 

The truth is, love doesn’t hurt you.
Fear does.

Love isn’t scary,
but living in fear of love is. 

Love won’t hurt you, but fear will. 

You see, my love,
if you’re reading these words
I know you want love.
You really, really, really do.

So, here is my invitation to you:
Let love in.

If you let love in, it will heal you.

You will stop believing you are broken,
and you will remember you are whole.

You will attract in an amazing partner
who totally adores you. (really)

Your life will finally feel like it’s working.

You see, love IS the magic elixir.
It’s the answer and the key.

And, the search for love is the most important journey
you can ever take in this lifetime.

Love really is the most important thing.
And, until you have it, nothing else really matters. 

My life is amazing because I know how to love.
My life works because I love myself.
My man adores me because I truly adore me.

If I could go from being the most broken,
most insecure, most scared woman on the planet,
to truly LIVING AS LOVE, then so can you.

All you have to do now is make a decision. 

And, it’s the most important decision you will ever make
in your entire life

Do you choose love?
Or do you choose fear?

I promise you, my love,
that your fear is not protecting you,
and it’s not keeping you safe.

It’s keeping you stuck.

Love will heal you.
If, you let it in.

So….will you? 
