I knew you would be getting a bunch of emails in your inbox
telling you that if you’re single, you should just love yourself
on valentines day, get yourself some chocolates, have a spa-day do self-care etc.
And, I believe in that and that’s all great.
But, let’s be real.
It’s really hard to NOT feel totally crappy on Valentine’s Day if you’re single.
On Valentine’s, the fact that you’re single seems so
magnified that it’s glaring.
It’s shoved in your face that something so important is missing from your life.
So, I thought I would give you different advice than the other love gurus
this weekend, and actually give you something that works.
My advice?
FEEL the pain.
I know, that might sound crazy, but hear me on this.
You see, what I’ve seen in working hundreds of women on their love lives,
is that most women don’t actually take the time to STOP
and feel just how painful being single is for them.
They dance around the pain.
Dip their toe in the water.
And then, right when they’re about to feel how bad it it really is for them,
they distract distract distract themselves from their truth which is:
I want love
I know my life would be WAY better if I was in a relationship with the right guy
It sucks that he’s not here right now
And, I’m kind of worried that I’m never going to find him.
I mean isn’t that what honestly what goes through your head
as you scroll your social media feed and see a million posts from women
in relationships bragging about what their man did for them on V-day?
So, here’s why I want you to FEEL the pain.
Pain is a motivator.
There’s a reason that most addicts have to hit rock bottom before they make a change.
The reason you are still single might just be because you actually haven’t allowed yourself to fully feel the pain of being single
And I get it, there’s voices in your head saying that it’s weak to need or want a man
Or that you have to be positive about it and get on with your life.
And, you do.
But, if you haven’t actually allowed yourself to feel the FULL pain
of being single when you really, really, really don’t want to be,
then you’re holding yourself back.
Because people in pain move.
People in pain are highly motivated to change.
Some of my best clients are women in their late 30s who want to have kids.
Why? Because they are right square up against the pain of missing out on having a family,
so they’re super motivated to change and grow so they don’t miss out.
So, feel the pain.
If you need some help getting to the pain, try this:
feel how much it sucks to never have a plus one
feel how much your body just wants loving touch, and wants to be held and cuddled
feel how much your heart yearns to love and give love
feel the babies that are waiting to be born through you when you meet the right man
feel how much you just want a soft place to land, and strong, masculine support
If you’re tearing up while reading this, then I know I’ve done my job.
Which is to do whatever I can to move you towards love.
And, sometimes feeling the pain of being single,
so that you’re actually super motivated to change,
instead of distracting yourself with work, or giving up dating altogether,
is the best thing you can do first, IF you want to change.
So, I sincerely hope that you’re not mad at me, for veering away from my usual
uplifting and positive writing style.
And, I hope you know that my intention here was not to depress you.
It was to get you to change.
Because if you don’t change, then there’s no way you’re going to get your man.
So, do you want to change?
Are you done with struggling in love?
Is this your year to finally find your man?
Are you truly done with being single?
If so, then your next step looks like action.
Because people who are done with the struggle take action
to get what they want.
But, you don’t just want to take any action
(after all you’ve been single for so long that you don’t have time to waste)
You want the RIGHT action, and a plan to lead you to your desired result (lasting love)
way quicker than if you tried to do it on your own.
I’d like to give you that plan. (click here for access)
For the women who are done with the struggle, and ready for love,
I’ve opened up my calendar to speak with 7 women
to give them a step-by-step, personalized plan for exactly what to do
to get on the path to lasting love.
PS: I know this email may have jerked your heart strings, but I want you to know that I did it because I care.
My clients know that I am willing to give them the FIERCE LOVE that they need and tell it to them straight, precisely because, like the Goddess Kali, I cut through their fear and show them the way to love.
If you’ve been single for a long time, it means you’re just sitting in your own stuff
and you just just need someone
to tell you the truth, show you where your blindspots are, and show you the way.
I’d love to do that for you if you’re truly ready for change.