Hi lovely,

It’s been a couple of weeks since I’ve written and the reason is
that I was busy preparing for my Get And Keep Your Man
client retreat.

21 beautiful GAKYM clients joined me in San Diego this
weekend and it was EPIC.

I want to share with you the #1 takeaway
that all of these women walked away with because you
absolutely, positively, must do this thing in order to find love…


That’s right. 
You must show the things you fear to show.
You must say the things you fear to say.
You must take the risk to be and show ALL of who you fully are
In order to find love. 

We did an exercise at the retreat where I had each woman
stand solo in front of the room.
In front of a Man.
And share their deepest, darkest stuff around men.

And they did show it.

They showed their ugly, their crazy,
the parts of themselves that they thought were just way too unloveable
to show to others.

And, something magical happened. 

Each and every women cracked open to love.

Because by revealing the deepest and most vulnerable parts of herself, 
she brought them out of the shadows and into the light,
where love could come in. 

It takes courage to be vulnerable for sure.
The mind will try and convince you
that you have to hide 
parts of yourself in order to keep love. 

But the opposite is true.
The truth is: vulnerability is the access way to real love.

Love can only come in as much as you’ll allow it in. 
And if you choose to hide parts of yourself, 
then those parts don’t ever have the chance to be loved. 

So, my love. 
Let love in. 

Take the risk to share yourself fully, 
even if you’re scared.

And what you’ll most likely find, as each of my amazing clients did,
is that those very things that you are so afraid to share
are the very things that will have people love and adore you even more.

Because when you’re REAL, people connect with you. 

And when people connect with you, they will love you.

Because you, my dear, ARE loveable.

